Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Story of eEtiquette

As part of my diploma, I will be working on a running project at the Creation Center, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories at Berlin. The project, called eEtiquette, outlines 101 guidelines for the digital world.

"The digital lifestyle recommendations are not just restricted to e-mails that remain unanswered for days on end, or to people making calls on their cell phones on buses or trains as if there was nobody else there. The eEtiquette categories include all communications channels that are relevant today, such as text messages, e-mail, phone, social networks, video conferences, blogs, chats, etc.

Times used to be simpler: a man was a gentleman, a woman was a lady. But today? Today the kind of questions we face include "Is it okay if I ignore a 'friend request' on Facebook?", "Is it impolite to put my cell phone on the table in the restaurant?" or "How long can I use the free WiFi in the café without ordering anything?". The digital lifestyle is changing our lives and our behavior. So who can we turn to for advice on questions concerning "Etiquette 2.0"?

Since the world continues to go round and change, this etiquette also needs to evolve. The website( is already set up with comment and evaluation tools available to encourage users to get involved in the debate. eEtiquette is also available in book format and can be obtained. "

The next step, is to design in APP for it. Which is where I come in!

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