After the talk with the developers, we figured we could divide the app into two parts. Level 1 gives a brief introduction and preview of what the app is about, where the user engages in discovering and sharing new guidelines. Level 2 gets a little more complex, with a location based service of finding people and finding guidelines.
This also helps in the problem being caused by asking the users to sign up at an early stage without getting to even know the app. Sign up also require personal data to be received by us and tracking each person and their activities.
The following is more or less what Level 1 is about:
Home page, 150 guidelines-
Notification: unlock your personal guideline by answering correctly.
If you answer incorrectly-
You can’t enter that guideline again
If you answer correctly –
Notification: Congratulations! You have also received 10 free guidelines but you must unlock them first. You have only 10 chances. Think before answering, with 3 consecutive mistakes, you lose out on 1 guideline.
Two options- view guideline, collect more
1. View guideline-
You receive the guideline card(page with cross stitch figure, speech bubble with the guideline, three functions below-like, website, share)
Flip the card and it says YOU (enter your name?)
Back to home page- Notification again - You have received 10 free guidelines but you must unlock them first. You have only 10 chances. Think before answering, with 3 consecutive mistakes, you lose out on 1 guideline.
2. Collect more
Click on guidelines and answer questions to unlock other guidelines.
The collected guidelines change colour to pink after being answered correctly and guideline cards appear with their functions
After you are done with the 10 free vouchers, it does not show any questions answers- if you click on empty guidelines- it goes to the empty guideline card with unclickable functions- (is the website one still unclickable?)
Notification: To view and collect more guidelines, you must share the ones you already have. (does this appear on home page or guideline card page)
Every 3 times you post different guidelines on facebook (on your wall)/email to a friend, you will receive a guideline.
Every time you send a warning, you will receive a guideline. Be careful not to overdo sending warnings- you cannot send warnings more than thrice a day.(Notification appears telling you so if you try to)
Guideline card page-
1. Facebook- share/warning
Number 55 has shared guideline number 74 (posts on your wall)
Number 55 thinks you have not been following appropriate e-etiquette and has sent you a Number 74 warning!(post on friend’s wall)
2. Email-share/warning
3. Bump your phones to collect the other’s personal guideline
Create guideline-
Enter a guideline card from 102-150 and write in the same typeface
Two options - Save, submit, (share?)
1. Save-
Stores in your grid of guidelines- changes to pink and becomes a real guideline
2. Submit-
Notification: Thank you for submitting. Your guideline has not been submitted on the website. Click on website icon to view other suggested guidelines and vote for the best!
Click on website – direct link to website- suggested guideline list
1. Facebook- share/warning
Number 55 has shared guideline number 74 (posts on your wall)
Number 55 thinks you have not been following appropriate e-etiquette and has sent you a Number 74 warning!(post on friend’s wall)
2. Email-share/warning
3. Bump your phones to collect the other’s personal guideline
Create guideline-
Enter a guideline card from 102-150 and write in the same typeface
Two options - Save, submit, (share?)
1. Save-
Stores in your grid of guidelines- changes to pink and becomes a real guideline
2. Submit-
Notification: Thank you for submitting. Your guideline has not been submitted on the website. Click on website icon to view other suggested guidelines and vote for the best!
Click on website – direct link to website- suggested guideline list
Like the guideline-
Click on like button- heart appears on face
You can view favourites together while scrolling, swiping through grid.
(Does this get submitted to the eE?)
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