Thursday, September 1, 2011


After documenting all the ideas generated at the workshop, we started by re selecting all those ideas which had potential but were left behind for one reason or the other. I reclustered the post- its of patterns and ideas and then chose some of the best ones from there and added them to the app templates as potential app ideas to be developed.

We put all the app templates on the ground and clustered them, trying to find similar ideas or a theme under which some could be categorised together. This also gave ideas about how we could combine features from different ideas to get a better idea for the app.

Next step was to figure out the main criteria while choosing an app:

  • Feasibility
  • Stand alone capability
  • Target Group
  • Mass Appeal
  • eE Spirit
  • eE Style
  • Educational Power
  • Continuous Engagement

Now, we made a chart and put all the heart marked app designs and began to rate them(1-3 stars) according to the criteria. We summed it up to arrive at the winners but were still not completely satisfied with the results. Some apps scored high on some criteria while scoring very low on others. Now the task is to combine features and make it the best possible solution for an app, as far as the 'feasibility' factor can take us.

We have had meetings with two app developers (before the workshop) and taken them through the eEtiquette project as well as my blog and research so they have some idea of what the app is going to be like. In fact, both of them(Cem and Martin) also took part in our workshop and helped generate creative ideas. This also helped them get a clearer idea about the design. Today we sent out a mail to them, explaining the three top ideas so that they can have a look and tell us about the feasibility from a developer's point of view. On Monday, we will start the process of user interface and interaction designing.

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