And the pictures of the board as usual!
First set of Questions for the discussion:
- Can two text of the function icons appear together?
- First tap- only text shows, second tap-highlights and goes to the next page?
- It animated in the beginning while loading the page and shows what each icon does?
- What does the text say?
- Do you have to keep the app on for this function?
- Click here and then bump?
- Text on home page - Zoom in to see the guideline number? Emphasis on zoom?
- All guidelines don’t fit inside the box
- What about the tags? Should they appear after flipping the card?
- Distance from boundary?
- Organizing HOME, ABOUT, BACK PROFILE in a uniform way
- What should the profile page be called? And history page?
- Outlines or 30% blue fo inactive stitches?
- What happens to flip action when you receive a free guideline from eE
- Giving encouraging tips like No. 13 has already collected 20 guidelines. What about you?- Is this possible?
- Starting point-After receiving 10 guidelines, user doesn’t know wht to do. Website function still available?
- Bonus round: post no. 10 on facebook to receive guideline no. 100!
- Home page still highlighted if you navigate from there and back-back-back leads you to home page? Figure out highlights during navigation
Feedback and interaction generation with Paul
- Three buttons in the corners- home, about, profile. Home button turns into back button. This is similar to ios back button and therefore easier to relate to
- Counter on top- when you receive a new guideline. But its not a guideline you receive, but another chance to unlock a guideline- this lets you decide which guideline you want to pick
- Bump: you need to click on bump to activate it, but not sure yet if the receiver needs to click on receiving mode as well?
- Smaller figure and bigger speech bubble- to fit the guideline as well as tags- and yet have them of a reasonable font size
- Comment icon- no website icon for it. The share icon goes better for the comment icon. Think of a new share icon.
- Unlocking sound feature as a audio feedback.
- The question page- change the hierarchy of text as its not clear what one should read
- Navigation from the grid of stitches- when you click on one. The rest of the stitches fade out and this particular stitches enlarges/ diminishes? to a standard size(if not already at that size) and aligns to the bottom center and the question appears on top in a bubble. Can you see the heads of the stitches at the very beginning or do they appear after a certain point of zooming in- paul needs to get back with this.
- Instruction notification when you start the app- should mention the word zoom and pan to view the guidelines.
- In the beginning, the user explores and discovers and answers and collects 5 guidelines. Then a notification appears about how he has only 10 more to go. And after that he must share in order to view more guidelines. So that the user is not stumped and angry at the end, thinking he was fooled by eetiquette. A soft warning helps. Also, while answering the question, he can have as many tries –to make it as easy and accessible in the beginning- so they do not lose a chance if they make a mistake. Find out from user testing how many to start with in the beginning
- After this the user gets to choose and make one of them his personal guideline. Or do all you favourites becomes your personal guidelines? Maybe its a sign up process. Personal guideline is important as its you identity. when you post on someone else's wall it will say that guideline no. 23 has posted this on your wall. Earn a personal guideline change later in the game?
- Every sharing action= receiving 1 chance to unlock a new guideline.
- Font issue- as tant Gertrud might not be able to be embedded in the app- the guidelines might need to be images. This is possible except for the create guidelines feature- should we incorporate a font change there? Like Helvetica? No tags on the create guidelines page. Prevents tag spamming. When you submit- a white screen appears asking is this the text you want to submit, enter name and email id. When you save, the guideline turns to pink and becomes a guideline.
- Do we need the history page? Is it important for the user to know?
- The share functions and comment function- navigation involves a white screen coming up and overlaying the original background- and a cross stitch box inside which everything happens? Email, facebook, twitter, bump, website? Otherwise no box and it will be like entering other screens – but the overlay vanishes and jumps back to original screen if you press close. comment function happens directly on the website as the website is mobile optimized. Paul needs to get back to me about all these functions and how they can be programmed and accordingly a uniform structure needs to be designed. Also the keyboard appears while typing in these functions and that should not clash with the eetiquette style.
- The text for the share, comment, like buttons are permanently there.
- Warning on facebook- post on friend’s wall- blaming tone or positive posting tone? Should it be a custom text you can add with it or a standar eetiquette note.
- Image appears on facebook, or just a link to the website with a small thumbnail- paul needs to get back to me about the possibilities of posting.
- Encouraging tips possible but keep it for the 2nd level as this would need building an entire server which would communicate with your friends’ phones.
- No share and warn distinction- the warn function is just for facebook- so the text reads post on your wall or post on friends wall
- When the counter appears- a speech bubble coming out of it with the notification that this is a counter
- The history page cannot tell you names of people you sent it to as an iphone does no allow information from email contacts to be transferred
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