Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Workshop Agenda

Steven and I finally managed to categorise the weel mannered services in terms of 'How to behave in Public/Private spaces', 'Encouraging Minimal Phone Usage', 'Privacy protection', 'Added features from mobile email, texting', 'Calling/calling back prioitization', and some 'General Phone etiquettes'. We realised that all these could also be divided according to the following four categories, 'Phone acts as a mediator', 'Phone becomes a polite device', 'Phone intervenes/alerts when the user is about to break an etiquette guideline', 'Phone gives suggestions to behave properly and appropriately'.

We also had a team meeting today, Julia, Steven and I, and finalised on the agenda for the coming Workshop. I have written the first draft explaining in detail the different processes, materials and methodologies to be used during the workshop. Tomorrow we will be sending out the invites to the participants and the cultural probes should be ready by the end of the week to be couriered to them. Also, we should start designing the templates for all the exercises soon!

AGENDA: eEtiquette App Workshop

Introductions of members of the workshop

Presentation of the eEtiquette project: 150 Guidelines, Well mannered services, Website, Facebook page and the current need for a smart phone application

Research Phase: 1 hour

Presentation of the Cultural Probes – Educational experiences; Analog (eg. stories)

Educational experiences, Digital(eg. features)

Identifying and Clustering of ‘Patterns’

Ideation Phase: 1 hour

Explain existing ‘Patterns’ through examples – show videos, books, apps, etc. Give

examples to help the following Interactive Exercise and Visual Language Exercise.

Interactive Exercise: 30 Minutes


Mix and match; choosing 1 Guideline + 1 Pattern

Pattern Booths:

Separate spaces with relevant and inspirational objects/materials for each Pattern.


· Hit the gong, Time duration:10 minutes.

· Each participant chooses a Pattern booth at random.

· He/She comes up with ideas(on post its) for that particular Pattern combined with 1

eEtiquette Guideline. The participant can interact with others at the booth, and take

inspiration from surrounding materials and objects.

· Repeat the process three times.

Note: No participant can visit the same booth twice.

Visual Language Exercise: 30 Minutes


Visual Trigger, choosing 1 Guideline + 1 Material / Object

Material Template:

An A2 sheet with the Object/Material depicted in the centre. The sheet can be further

divided into 5-6 sections for the different ideas. One section will contain the ‘Sewing’ icon.


· Distribute the templates amongst the participants.

· Participant works on each template for approx. 5-10 minutes.

· Each participant chooses a guideline and taking inspiration from the Material template

in front, he/she visually demonstrates different ways of teaching the guideline.

· ‘Sewing’ section: The participant needs to incorporate the action/visual of sewing while drawing out the idea.

Selection Phase: 30 Minutes

· Participants go Idea shopping with an Idea ‘basket’ and select the ideas they like the most, or think are most feasible.

· Participants can select from both Idea cities (Interactive Exercise & Visual Language Exercise) or mix and match according to what they think works the best.

Design Experience: 1 Hour 30 Minutes


List of questions: What does the app do? What features does it have? What is the name of

the app?

A2 sheets with the smart phone outline

Images of App elements icons

Screenshots of services

Navigational possibilities eg.scroll, zoom, tap, flick


· Each participant designs or creates an app, following the list of questions/guidelines.

· The participant can use the icons, features, services, etc to make the app more


Presentation: 1 Hour

Each participant receives 5 minutes to demonstrate the functioning of their app by

describing aloud what they are thinking. This is useful to reach users’ motivations,

concerns, perceptions and reasoning.

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