Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Relevant Products and Services

Bitter Tasting Nail Polish:
Prevents people from their bad habit of biting nails and thumb sucking.

Department of Telecommunication in India:
It sends a memo to all cellular mobile telephone service licensees asking them to ensure a supply of literature whenever a customer purchases a mobile or SIM card that teaches phone etiquette.

Snail Mail my Email:
Type out a message to a friend, family member, lover and mail to snailmailmyemail@gmail.com. Then sit back and relax while your email is handwritten, sent out and delivered to the recipient of your choosing, free of charge!

Docomo Phone Services:
Function called Public Mode (Drive Mode) and Public Mode (Phone OFF). It is intended for use in public places where mobile phone use is discouraged and for safety purposes when driving. Public Mode (Drive Mode) is a mobile phone function that provides a message to the caller and terminates the call when a customer does not wish to use their mobile phone. There is no indication on the customer's phone that a call has come in (no ringtone, vibration or lighting up, etc.). Public Mode (Phone OFF) is commonly used on airplanes or at hospitals. When someone calls a phone in this mode, a message is provided indicating the situation and the call is disconnected.

It has sevices called kids i-mode filter which restricts access to certain websites. There are also time restrictions where the restriction to sites are put between a certain time during the day.

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